





文章来源:行业资讯 2021-07-27 08:20:11 137



 2022 年,BioLegend年收入估计约为 3.8 亿美元,年收入增长率10%以上(不包括协同效应)。

2021年7月26日 06:30 东部夏令时


BioLegend 为其学术和生物制药客户提供一流的抗体和试剂,这些抗体和试剂在高生长领域,如细胞测量、蛋白质基因组学、多路复用检测、重组蛋白、磁细胞分离和生物处理。这笔交易将是PerkinElmer历史上规模最大的一笔交易,预计将在2021日历年年底完成,但须经监管部门批准和其他惯例的成交条件。

私人控股的 BioLegend 拥有 700 多名员工,主要在美国,预计 2022 年的收入为 3.8 亿美元。加入PerkinElmer后,BioLegend 将把珀金埃尔默现有的生命科学专营权扩展到新的领域,其位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的最先进的校园将成为珀金埃尔默的全球卓越中心 (CoE),为合并后的公司开发试剂内容。

PerkinElmer总裁兼首席执行官普拉拉德•辛格(Prahlad Singh)在评论收购BioLegend的协议时表示:"我们很高兴有机会将我们的技术和创新文化融合在一起,创造无缝解决方案,推动科学和发现向前发展。我们相信,加入我们的团队提供了一个令人难以置信的机会,以加速发现,帮助生命科学研究人员利用不断发展的技术和新的方法,更好地了解和对抗疾病。

BioLegend的创始人、总裁兼首席执行官吉恩•莱(Gene Lay)补充道:"我们非常高兴能加入珀金埃尔默家族。合并将使我们有机会继续建立在我们20年的创新科学和规模的基础上,在新的和极具吸引力的PerkinElmer领域,如临床诊断和食品安全测试。BioLegend 团队渴望与 PerkinElmer 一起进入这一新篇章,进一步推进我们的使命,即从研究到治疗,实现传奇般的发现。


PerkinElmer 使科学家、研究人员和临床医生能够应对他们在科学和医疗保健领域面临的最严峻挑战。我们的使命是致力于创新,为更健康的世界服务,提供独特的解决方案,为诊断、生命科学、食品和应用市场提供服务。我们与客户战略合作,以深厚的市场知识和技术专长支持更早、更准确的见解。我们在全球拥有约 14,000 名员工的敬业团队致力于帮助客户创建更健康的家庭、提高生活质量以及维持全球人民的福祉和长寿。公司2020年收入约38亿美元,为190个国家的客户提供服务,是标准普尔500指数的组成部分。


或在 www.perkinelmer.com。


BioLegend 通过为生物医学研究提供世界一流的尖端抗体和试剂,使生命科学从研究到治疗的发现成为可能,这些抗体和试剂是在加州圣地亚哥的最先进的工厂中制造的。其使命是通过提供最优质的产品,以及卓越的客户服务和技术支持,加快研究和发现。其产品专业知识涵盖多种研究领域,包括免疫学、神经科学、癌症、干细胞和临床产品。BioLegend 的试剂由卓越的客户服务和质量管理系统提供支持,该系统经过 ISO 13485:2016 认证。BioLegend 对科学界有着坚定的承诺,它突破了科学创新的界限,改变了我们收集和解释科学知识的方式。要了解更多信息,请访问 www.biolegend.com。


PerkinElmer to Acquire Antibody and Reagent Leader BioLegend

Transformativedeal significantly scales leading position in life science to acceleratelegendary discoveries in precision medicine

July 26, 2021 06:30 AM Eastern DaylightTime

WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PerkinElmer,Inc. (NYSE: PKI) (“PerkinElmer”) today announced it hasentered into an agreement to acquire BioLegend, a leading, globalprovider of life science antibodies and reagents, for approximately $5.25billion in a combination of cash and stock, subject to certain adjustments.

BioLegend provides its academic andbiopharmaceutical customers with best-in-class antibodies and reagents inhigh-growth areas such as cytometry, proteogenomics, multiplex assays,recombinant proteins, magnetic cell separation and bioprocessing. Thetransaction will be the largest in PerkinElmer’s history and is expected toclose by the end of the 2021 calendar year, subject to regulatory approvals andother customary closing conditions.

Privately-held BioLegend has more than700 employees based primarily in the U.S., with estimated 2022 revenues of $380million. Upon joining PerkinElmer, BioLegend will expand PerkinElmer’s existinglife science franchise into new segments, and its state-of-the-art campus inSan Diego, California will become PerkinElmer’s global Center of Excellence(CoE) for research reagent content development for the combined company.

Commenting on the agreement to acquireBioLegend, Prahlad Singh, president and chief executive officer of PerkinElmer,said: “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our technologies andinnovative cultures together to create seamless solutions to push science anddiscovery forward. We believe joining our teams presents an incredibleopportunity to accelerate discoveries that help life science researchersleverage ever-developing technologies and novel approaches to better understandand fight disease.”

Gene Lay, founder, president and chiefexecutive officer of BioLegend, added, “We are very excited to join thePerkinElmer family. The combination will afford us the opportunity to continueto build on our two-decade foundation of innovative science and scale in newand highly attractive PerkinElmer areas such as clinical diagnostics and foodsafety testing. The BioLegend team is eager to enter this new chapter withPerkinElmer, furthering our mission of enabling legendary discovery fromresearch to cure.”

Strategic Alignment of Deal StructureExpected to Lead to Faster Growth and Elevated Margins

PerkinElmer has fully committed bridge financingfrom Goldman Sachs Bank USA in place for the cash portion of the agreed uponpurchase price. The combination is expected to be accretive to PerkinElmer’sexisting revenue growth and margin profile and provide an estimated $0.30 ofadjusted earnings per share accretion in the first full year following closeand greater than $0.50 in the second year following close. The combined companywill generate immediate revenue synergies which are expected to reach $100million annually by the fifth year following the transaction close and nosignificant cost synergies are planned.

About PerkinElmer

PerkinElmer enables scientists,researchers, and clinicians to address their most critical challenges acrossscience and healthcare. With a mission focused on innovating for a healthierworld, we deliver unique solutions to serve the diagnostics, life science,food, and applied markets. We strategically partner with customers to enableearlier and more accurate insights supported by deep market knowledge and technicalexpertise. Our dedicated team of about 14,000 employees worldwide is passionateabout helping customers work to create healthier families, improve the qualityof life, and sustain the well-being and longevity of people globally. TheCompany reported revenue of approximately $3.8 billion in 2020, servescustomers in 190 countries, and is a component of the S&P 500 index.Additional information is available through 1-877-PKI-NYSE, or at www.perkinelmer.com.

About BioLegend

BioLegend enables life science discoveryfrom research to cure by providing world-class, cutting-edge antibodies andreagents for biomedical research, manufactured in its state-of-the-art facilityin San Diego, CA. Its mission is to accelerate research and discovery byproviding the highest quality products at an outstanding value, along withsuperior customer service and technical support. Its product expertise covers adiverse set of research areas including Immunology, Neuroscience, Cancer, Stemcells, and Clinical Products. BioLegend’s reagents are supported by superiorcustomer service and a quality management system that is certified for ISO13485:2016. With a strong commitment to the scientific community, BioLegendpushes the boundaries of scientific innovation, and transforms the way wecollect and interpret scientific knowledge. To learn more, visit www.biolegend.com.


本文内容转自: 流式家

